- Nestlè S.p.A. Construction design and management of fire-fighting plant works to protect the plant and draft report on safety at work within the plant. Processing variant projects c/o VV.F command. Staff training.
- S.A. Srl (Sud Antinfortunistica) From 1982 to 1999. Technical direction, design and responsible for the works, fire-fighting plants and equipment carried out in, oil refineries, power plants, industries and various construction sites, located in Italy and abroad.
- Pirelli S.p.A. Design, construction management, fire-fighting systems. Fire safety management of the Villafranca Tirrena.
- Raffineria Mediterranea Agip Design direction of works and construction fire-fighting system to protect drawing room. Project direction of work and construction of firefighting vehicles. From 1982 to 1999, the Work Directorate and head of safety (S.A.) for the maintenance management of all firefighting equipment supplied to the Petroli Refinery in Milazzo.
- Molini Gazzi S.p.A. Firefighting plant design and construction to protect the plant. Responsible for the Safety and Prevention Of Establishment Service (Article 33 of D.Lgs. 81-08). Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting plant contingency plan.
- Heineken S.p.A. Management of plant safety management. Construction design and fireworks management at Halon 1301 in prot. CED. General plant fire-fighting design. A technical report on the conditions of safety at work within the plant. Staff instructor in training courses. Recruitment of R.S.P.P. of Establishment.
- Officine Galileo di Sicilia Gruppo “AEG” Construction design and management of general fireplant plant works, plant at Halon 1301 to protect deposits and draft a technical report on the conditions of safety at work within the plant. Construction design and direction fire plant works at sprinklers.
- Sanpellegrino S.p.A. Construction design and management fire plant works to protect the plant's alcohol storage and drafting of work safety report within the plant. Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting plant contingency plan. Processing variant projects c/o VV.F. command. Performing the tasks of the R. S.P.P., under art. 33 of the D.Lgs. 81-08. Staff training.
- Ferdofin Siderurgica S.p.A. Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting plant contingency plan. Processing variant projects c/o VV.F. command. I'm doing training and information.
- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Construction design and construction management on behalf of firm CDA CT fire protection cED.
- Prefettura di Catania Study of the risks design construction and direction fire plant works to protect civil protection depot and CT Questura.
- Camera dei Deputati Palazzo Montecitorio Roma Coordination of a group of technicians charged with assessing fire risk at the Chamber of Deputies - Palazzo Montecitorio Roma.
- Comune di Milazzo Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service. Personal training courses.
- Monopoli di Stato Firefighting plant design and construction to protect the plant. Responsible for the Security and Prevention Service (Article 33 of D.Lgs. 81-08). Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting contingency plan.
- Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Bisazza” Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service. Personal training courses. Drafting contingency plan and evacuation.
- Provincia Regionale di Messina Training courses for firefighting personnel in the province's high schools.
- Comune di Pace del Mela Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service. Personal training courses.
- Comune di Roccalumera Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service. Personal training courses.
- Comune di Saponara Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service. Personal training courses. Project to adapt to firefighting measures.
- Azienda U.S.L. N° 5 Messina Drafting the work of the Occupational Safety and Health Risk Assessment document for all consultants and medical guards; Processing of Emergency and Evacuation Plans.
- Marina Militare Italiana Construction design and direction works fire plant simeto ship. Design and construction, Paint Deposit Fire Plant.
- Marina Militare Work Directorate and Head of Safety for all maintenance management of the fire-fighting equipment supplied to the Arsenal of Messina and the Naval Units present there. Drafting a technical report on the safety conditions of the POL fuel depot. NATO of Trapani. Construction design and direction fire equipment works to protect MARISICILIA (ME) helicopter landing track.
- Circoli Ufficiali, Sottufficiali e Dipendenti Difesa Editorial Report on the Assessment of Risks to Safety and Health at Work.
- Base Nato Sigonella At run time (D. Lgs. 494/96) of the following jobs: M.T. network adjustment eNEL delivery point and plant adjustment, Law 46/90; 11th R.M.V. Renovation of various R.M.V. area; Works of completion ammunition storage off base.
- Base Missilistica Cava di Sorciaro Design construction and direction fire plant works to protection control room and missile shelter cells.
- Aeronautica Militare 34° Gruppo Radar Siracusa Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Staff training
- Aeronautica Militare 37° Stormo Trapani Birgi Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting of reports and metric plans on adjustment measures. Testing of fire-fighting equipment and equipment. Staff training.
- Aeronautica Militare Accademica di Pozzuoli Specific study with scientific technical activity and advice aimed at improving the health and safety of workers in the workplace. Check electrical systems.
- Navi Traghetto Ferrovie dello Stato On-board firefighting equipment design and construction. Check on-board firefighting systems. Construction planning and design transformation On-board fire systems from HALON 1301 to CO2. Safety and Fire and Safety Advice.
- Cantieri Navali Rodriguez S.p.A Construction design and management of general fire plant plant works and drafting of a technical report on the conditions of safety at work within the plant. CO2 Fire Fighting Equipment Design on Fast Ships (FF SS).
- SMEB Cantieri Navali S.p.A. Design, construction, construction management, accounting, firefighting systems to protect the Repair Basin, Shipyard Construction Shipyard and Degassifica Station.
- Caronte & Tourist Lines S.p.A. Advice on occupational safety and advice and application of D. Lgs. 271/272 on Naval units. Staff training.
- Abacus Marine Advice on ISO 9000 and ISO14000. Staff training.
- SI.RE.MAR Fire-fighting systems control of all naval units of the Company, on behalf of S.A. Ltd.
- Agip Navigazione Fire control of the Company's naval units, on behalf of S.A. Ltd.
- Società Armatrici Varie Fire control of naval units, on behalf of S.A. Ltd.
- J&D Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting contingency plan. Performing R.S.P.P. duties under Art. Art. 33 of the D.Lgs. 81-08Milauto S.p.A. Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting contingency plan. Performing R.S.P.P. duties under Art. Art. 33 of the D.Lgs. 81-08
- Commercio Mercantile Sicilia Design and construction of firefighting systems to protect commercial activities. Project processing for CPI release c/o VV.F. command.
- Conad Project processing for CPI release c/o VV.F. command Projects electric plants supermarkets. Safety and prevention organization. Responsible for the Safety and Prevention Of Establishment Service (Article 33 of D.Lgs. 81-08).
- GDS (Gruppo distr. Sud)Design and construction of fire prevention systems to protect commercial activities. Project processing for CPI release c/o VV.F. command. Safety and prevention organization. Responsible for the Safety and Prevention Of Establishment Service (Article 33 of D.Lgs. 81-08).
- GMI (Grandi Magazzini Italiani) Design and construction of firefighting systems to protect commercial activities. Project Processing for CPI Release c/o VV.F Commands distributed throughout Italy. Safety and prevention organization. Responsible for the Security and Prevention Service (Article 33 of D.Lgs. 81-08). Coordinator of safety at the design and execution stage for the construction of new warehouses.
- STANDA Affiliates Design and construction of firefighting systems to protect commercial activities. Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Warehouse contingency plan. Project development to obtain the CPI. Performing R.S.P.P. duties under Art. Art. 33 of the D.Lgs. 81-08
- SIGMA Affiliates Project development to obtain the ICC. Design and construction of firefighting systems to protect commercial activities. Project Fire plants Warehouse and Warehouse sale. VV.F. practices ISPESL. Responsible for the Security and Prevention Service (Article 33 of D.Lgs. 81-08.). Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Warehouse contingency plan. Project development to obtain the CPI.
- STANDA S.p.A. Staff training courses. Supermarket adjustment projects.
- Europe Hard Discount Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting contingency plan. RSPP Tasks Performance. Fire prevention courses VVF plant and practice projects. Staff training.
- Bernava Carlo S.r.l. Design and construction of firefighting systems to protect commercial activities. UNI 45 fire hydrant sun plant project. Responsible for the Safety and Prevention Of Establishment Service (Art. 33 of D.Lgs. 81-08). Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting contingency plan and evacuation. Drafting practices VV.F. – release of the C.P.I. Staff training.
- Autotrasporti Saccà Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Drafting contingency plan. Performing the tasks of the R. S.P.P., under art. 33 of the D.Lgs. 81-08. ISO 9000 QUALITY SYSTEM. Staff training.
- I.S.I. S.p.A. Italian Stomatological Institute (Milan Nursing Home) Project to adapt to fire safety measures. Drafting of the emergency plan and evacuation of the building. Project remediation works CT and CDZ. Job Directorate. Coordinator at design and execution time.
- Fondo di PrevidenzaMario Negri Fire Standards Compliance Project. Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Recruitment in charge of the Prevention and Protection Service. Personal training courses. Drafting contingency plan and evacuation. VV.F. practices – C.P.I. Releases
- Arca Hotel S.p.A., Hotel "Best Western" of Ascoli Piceno, Hotel "Best Western" ravenna, Hotel "Best Western" of Ragusa, Hotel "Best Western" Syracuse Project to comply with fire regulations. Editorial report on occupational safety and health risk assessment. Recruitment in charge of the Prevention and Protection Service. Personal training courses. Drafting contingency plan and evacuation. VV.F. practices – C.P.I. Releases
- Milano Due (Oltre) Project to adapt the fire-fighting system to protect 14 buildings of the apartment building, to fire safety measures and related practice and/or the VVF Command, in Milan.
- Entities, Hotels, Municipalities, Schools, other commercial and private firms Processing projects to obtain the ICC. Project development and management of electrical systems works. Testing and testing electrical systems. Noise exposure checks in workplaces (D.L. 227 of 15/08/1991). Staff training. Site safety plans. Performing various professional services
- CAMEROON Staff training.
- NIGERIA Staff training.
- MALTA Advice on Fire and Safety at Work. Project contingency plan and gpL repository evacuation.